It seems you can only have one account per email address here. Strange. Maybe I just got spoiled with ezboard since they allowed you to have 5 accounts per email addy. Right now I can't remember how any forums before ezboard handled that.
The only one that somewhat sticks in my mind is "Inside the Web" because it was the first one, and it was such a pain in the ass with posts vanishing and whatnot. lol
There are still old posts up on a couple of other board sites too like...
Network 54 This one has drop down menus to other boards we had there.
yup yup. i've got Network 54 bookmarked because, well, sometimes i just get nostalgic like that. lol
and i remember Inside the Web!! oh dear gods, that was SOOO long ago! lol that's when i had to escape the house and would go to Cal State Fullerton's computer lab just to check email, and i'd end up spending, like, five, seven, eight hours there reading posts and replying. *sigh* those were the days...
i can still smell the clean, electric/water-type smell of the lab....