Age: 23 (almost 24) Height: 27.5 inches Eyes: Yellow-green Hair: Black Race: Name Unknown Personality: He's friendly and outgoing, and just as complex in his range of emotions and mannerisms as any 'normal sized' being. He's only sensitive about his height when people don't take him seriously on account of it. Gods forgive you if you tell him he can't do something because of his height.... Aside from that, Emanuel is just a normal guy with his faithful steed, traveling the world in search of something more interesting than the dank, moldy cave into which he was dropped when he fell through the portal from his world into this one. Ever heard the phrase 'Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back'? Many have suggested that it just might be his personal motto. Favorite Foods: Fish! Fish fish fish fish fish fish fish! Give him a fish and he's your friend forever. Give him a fish and some heavy, fresh cream and you'll never be rid of him. Antagonists: None known at this time.
Emanuel Domanasi fell through a portal into the world of Variance at the age of 23. He has been wandering the land learning how to survive within it since the day he gave up hopes of finding a way back to his own world. He has since admitted to himself that he never truly wanted to return anyway.
In his home world, he was a tall member of his race of animal-like, winged people. He was of the proud clan of Baseta, the cat-faced ones. Son of the clan's beastmaster, he knows his way with animals rather well. Shortly after arriving here, he befriended a giant black dog, whom he calls 'Jasper'. Jasper was in dire straits when Emanuel happened upon him, and by the time the dog had fully healed from the abuse that had left him helpless in the deep woods, he had learned to trust Emanuel implicitly.
Since that time Jasper has become the perfect mount for Emanuel, giving him the freedom to travel farther and faster than he could have on foot and saving his wings a bit of the excess strain of flying for too long all at once.
Unsure what to make of the giants he has seen on the road, Emanuel has kept mostly to the brush so far, avoiding overly crowded areas. But his curiosity about the beings grows every day, and little does he realize that he wanders nearer to thier gathering places with every step.... Just a quick size comparison of Emanuel versus the average human male, for reference.